Rejuvenate your meeting notes feedback by using this template to keep a finger on the pulse of your team.
Stop wasting time and money on gathering meeting feedback by using ScrumGenius to do the work for you.
ScrumGenius makes it easy to respond to team feedback quickly and maximize your meetings.
Track items mentioned in meeting discussions to keep on top of tasks and actionables.
Use the information gathered by your team members to continuously refine and update your meeting agenda.
Easily list decisions, tasks and responsibilities discussed in the meeting to keep superiors in the loop.
Rejuvenate your meetings by using this template to keep a finger on the pulse of your teams and monitor feedback. With ScrumGenius' easy referencing of past reports, team leads can keep track of week-to-week meeting progress and common roadblocks seamlessly.
Meeting notes are one of the most important ways to help boost productivity and sustain high workflow. They should be used to inform your future meeting agendas so you can refine and streamline your note-taking process as a whole.
Post-meeting feedback in particular is crucial because it allows you to get a measure from your team on how well the meetings are working and what should be changed about them.
ScrumGenius helps you create and run standups after your meetings to collect feedback. This means that you can easily collect post-meeting thoughts from your team to gather any missed details, or even use ScrumGenius to refine your agenda for the next meeting.
Our recommended Meeting Notes template has three questions:
As you can see, this template is designed to focus on high-level details, with the questions tracking everything from meeting agendas to any assigned decisions and work responsibilities — all while gathering feedback for potential improvements to be made in your meeting process. This allows team leads to continuously revise and streamline their process.
ScrumGenius is completely customizable, so you can tailor our standup reports to your needs easily. Managers will be able to choose what questions they ask, when the report is sent out, and who the report summary is sent to.
Think of these as the meeting agenda, calendar invite, and meeting minutes respectively! ScrumGenius bundles the complexity of running a standup meeting into a simple automated solution.
All team members can see the responses on their Team Dashboard. However, you can customize this too! ScrumGenius offers the option of running a private report, where responses are broadcasted exclusively to the Team Admin. This is designed for reports like feedback collection, peer reviews, and 1:1s.
For the Meeting Notes template, we recommend running it publicly, to reap the benefits of team collaboration.
We offer a completely free plan for teams who haven't made the switch from email to chat platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack yet. For other teams, our premium pricing starts from $3/month.
Unlike other standup bots, we offer an email plan for free because we believe that given the chance, everyone would be convinced of the benefits ScrumGenius offers their team.
ScrumGenius packages it up. It doesn’t require prep work, and we get the information my director needs. It’s really made things easier for everybody.”
Julee Marcelino
Director, TrueBlue
ScrumGenius reinvents workplace communication by creating structure around your standup meetings. See all templates.
Meeting notes are one of the most important ways to help boost productivity and workflow, but many teams do not know how to utilize them properly.
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Invest in the standup tool your team needs today.